“With Each Other”

Hey Westside,

Well . . . summer is finally here! I love this time of year. I love the weather, the sunshine, the opportunities to spend time outdoors with family and friends, and of course . . . barbecues!
Webster defines “together” many different ways, but my favorite is: “with each other.” Don’t you just love that? The word “together” occurs in the New Testament dozens of times.
· they ate together


· they met together

· they worshiped together

· they prayed together

· they suffered together
In order for the church to be healthy, there must be many times where we are: “
with each other.”
This summer, we at Westside have a wonderful opportunity to be together lots. All of our Small Groups will be taking a break over July and August. We will be “re-launching” our groups in September with renewed vigor, creativity, and focus. However, during these next weeks we have many relational activities for our church body to get “with each other.” 
Please make your plans to involve yourself in as many as you can for you, your family and the health of Westside.  Always . . . remember to invite friends and family. We exist as a church for them. Our desire is to take the good things God has given us and share it with others.
Take your Westside flyers that you receive at the Welcome Center and put it on your refrigerator so it will be handy. We love you guys . . . enjoy the summer!   
Use this time to rest well – but when you’re around be faithful in gathering together and in keeping Jesus first!

Love you guys,


One Response to ““With Each Other””

  1. Chuck Theuring says:

    Thanks for the blog Steve! While at the men’s advance, that was a take away that the Holy Spirit put on my heart, relationships. Be in community.

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