I love Easter!

Hey Westside !

I love Easter! I think it’s becoming my favorite day of the year. It’s the day believers all over the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The event that changed the world forever. I love preaching on Easter too. I get to share the wonderful news that God made a way for everyone to come into right relationship with Him. It’s the most wonderful thing to see a changed life and often times it happens on Easter.

Do you think that you could prayerfully consider inviting someone to hear the Good News that Jesus loves them? Is there a person in your life who needs to hear the life-changing message of the Gospel? How about someone who is fed up with religion? Or maybe another who has been wounded by “the church?” Invite them!!

“The truth will set them free!”

In the New Testament there are numerous examples of those who “went” and told the good news and there are also examples of those who said: “come and see.” Easter Sunday can be one of those times when we say with joy: “Come and see what the Lord has done . . . witness true life and a healthy church body . . . come and hear some good news . . . news that can change your life!”

We are going to have two opportunities on Easter Sunday; 6:30am and 9:00am, both of them outdoors. Westside will serve breakfast to all those in attendance immediately after each service and provide an Easter Egg Blitz for the kids. At the 9:00am service we will also be having water baptisms for those desiring to do so.

I am so looking forward to this special day; I trust that you are as well. Please invite someone today.

In Him,

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